Surgery/procedure consent form

Surgery/Procedure Consent Form

    For more information about the temperature microchip, please copy and paste this link into a new browser window:
    Please note, we must ask this question for safety reasons. We absolutely do not anticipate any anesthetic problems, but we need to know in the unlikelihood we are faced with this situation. Basic CPR is always performed as part of our anesthetic protocols, but if you would like us to go above and beyond, you must acknowledge that certain fees will apply (approximately $600). If you are not able to be contacted immediately, resuscitation efforts will be continued to be performed at the doctor’s discretion. If you cannot be reached by phone within 20 minutes of CPR being initiated and your pet is unable to support cardiac or respiratory function on their own, I authorize the doctor on duty to make the best decision (considering quality of life) to discontinue CPR which may result in my pet's death.